Valle di Ledro and Alto Garda: the third section of the Path of Peace

From Rifugio Pernici to Rifugio Damiano Chiesa, with a dip in Lake Garda

The sun has just risen, and as you drink coffee on the terrace of Rifugio Pernici you study the route once again. The most demanding stretches that led you from Passo del Tonale to this point are now behind you. The rest of the route, at least until the next stage, is all downhill. Literally, in fact, because the third section of the Path of Peace, consisting of three stages, is an up-and-down route. The first stage takes you down from 1600 metres altitude to the warm shores of Lake Garda (66 metres altitude). If the season is right, you can even take a dip in the lake and enjoy a relaxing afternoon in Riva del Garda. The next day you have an easy walk from Riva del Garda to the village of Torbole and then up (and this time we mean up!) again to Rifugio Damiano Chiesa (2059 metres), which rewards the ascent with one of the most beautiful views in Trentino.

This is one of the most relaxing stretches of the Path of Peace, the 495-kilometre-long iitinerary that crosses Trentino from the Passo del Tonale to the Marmolada, revisiting the sites of the Great War. As always, please read the Safety in the Mountains guidance and contact the rifugios in advance to ensure that they are open and have availability for overnight stays.

Once this is taken care of, it's time to put on your boots and start walking.

PS: Our description of the Path of Peace omits the first two sections because they present high technical difficulties that may not be without the capabilities of all visitors. For more information, please visit the Trentino Grande Guerra website.

Path of Peace: section 3 | Valle di Ledro and Alto Garda

STAGE 1: From Rifugio Pernici to Riva del Garda

One of the wonderful things about this stage is that in the space of just a few hours it manages to show you the two very different sides of Trentino that together represent its true essence.

You begin with the feel of the crisp air of the high mountains and then, as you descend, you begin to sense the mild breeze of Lake Garda, its scents more reminiscent of the Mediterranean atmospheres of olive and fig trees than of the Alpine environments that have accompanied you so far. This long descent takes you from 1,600 metres at the rifugio to 66 metres above sea level at Riva del Garda.

where, on the shores of the lake, you can put on your swimming costume and take a refreshing dip. After all this walking, you deserve it! Spend the afternoon visiting the town, exploring its square lined with bars overlooking the small harbour and the museum housed in the Rocca di Riva, or alternatively take the panoramic lift to the Bastion, the iconic Venetian tower, from where you can enjoy a beautiful view of the lake, perhaps accompanied by a glass of Trentodoc.

Stage 1

From Rifugio Pernici to Riva del Garda
discover the route
Path of Peace: section 3 | Valle di Ledro and Alto Garda

STAGE 2: From Riva del Garda to Nago

This is an easy stage, with only 12 kilometres separating Riva del Garda from the village of Nago, yet one steeped in history and surrounded by stories. Here we’ll tell you two of those stories: the first is most recent, dating to the Great War, traces of which can still be seen when exploring the forts of Monte Brione, the hill that separates Riva del Garda from Torbole. The second is a much older tale and takes us back to the 15th century, when the Republic of Venice at the height of its power.

It was 1438 and the La Serenissima, as the Republic was traditionally known, wanted to extend its borders to the west, but the fleet of the Duchy of Milan was manning Lake Garda unchallenged. So Venice had a visionary idea. The Republic sailed a fleet of 25 large boats, 2 galleys and 6 frigates from the mouth of the Adige River to the village of Mori, a stone's throw from Lake Garda. Separating the river from the mountains, however, was a seemingly insurmountable obstacle: the mountains themselves. Thus the Venetians accomplished a legendary feat. Harnessing the power of thousands of oxen and horses, building elaborate machinery and roads, clearing forests and houses, they managed to bring the galleys up the mountains, and then down to Lake Garda. This feat went down in history as Galeas per montes.

Now it is your time to cross the mountains, to leave Riva del Garda behind and reach Nago, for the next stage of the Path of Peace.

Stage 2

From Riva del Garda to Nago
discover the route
Path of Peace: section 3 | Valle di Ledro and Alto Garda

STAGE 3: From Nago to Rifugio Damiano Chiesa

After two fairly relaxing stages, the stage ahead is more challenging. From Lake Garda the route climbs to the top of the Altissimo, almost 2000 metres above sea level. All this effort, however, is rewarded by one of the most beautiful views in Trentino.

It is recommended to leave early so that you arrive at Rifugio Damiano Chiesa with enough time to rest and recuperate before the next stages of the Path of Peace. You can also take a break at Malga Zures, reached in about an hour and a half's walk from Nago, from where you can explore the ruins of some Austro-Hungarian posts.

You should reach your destination in about six hours (unfortunately for you, all uphill!). Once you reach the summit of Monte Altissimo and Rifugio Damiano Chiesa, stop on the plateau's pastures to contemplate the priceless panorama that extends from Lake Garda to the mountains of Trentino. You’ve earned it!

Stage  3

From Nago to Rifugio Damiano Chiesa
discover the route
Path of Peace: section 3 | Valle di Ledro and Alto Garda
Discover all the stages of the Path of Peace 

Discover all the stages of the Path of Peace 

Published on 20/05/2024